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0 Hollywood Birthday Party Theme for Teens

Hollywood is source of seemingly infinite fascination with teens. They are constantly looking to Hollywood for fashion tips, entertainment, and, far too often, advice and guidance when it comes to daily life. The good news is that while Hollywood may not be the theme you want your teens carrying around with them every day it makes for a great birthday party theme if you are inventive, creative, and can find the good in everything.

There are plenty of events in Hollywood that set the stage for elaborate and very fun birthday party events that will impress even the most cynical of teens and have their friends talking for weeks to come. Your teen's birthday may even become the birthday event of the year if you plan carefully and put the full power of your creativity into play for the big event. Remember however, that whatever you plan must be somewhat flexible as teens are also notorious for putting bumps into what would otherwise be a smooth ride.

One great Hollywood theme that is often a joy for teen parties, especially among teen girls is the idea of an awards show. This includes the proverbial Red Carpet, plenty of photo ops, and a dress code that is quite formal (this should be noted in the invitations). It is all in good fun however and you do love your children right? Besides, the planning of an event such as this can prove a worthy challenge. You can use glittery star nameplates to indicate seating, have the "Oscar Room" decorated elegantly with a white table clothe and fine china, and have cameras flashing throughout the event to record important moments. Don't forget the completely "Oscar worthy" goody bag. Great ideas to fill this bag include items for facials, manicures, pedicures, a photo frame for the fabulous photos you will be sending home, and an autograph "scrapbook" in which you can all work to create a scrapbook of the evening with photographs and autographs.

Diva dinner. This idea for a glamorous Hollywood themed birthday is a little more irreverent than the notion of an Oscar party, which might make it a little more entertaining. This is also the sort of party that is best left to girls rather than attempting to include girls and guys. When your guests arrive dressed to impress you will hand out feather boas and sunglasses that are worthy of Hollywood (be fun and think "Glam"). You will want to have plenty of photo ops throughout the evening so be sure to have cameras at the ready and create a backdrop for more formal photos of all the divas together or any diva to take with the birthday diva. You can all get together to make photo frames and bring your photo with the birthday girl or the group en masse home with you when the party ends.

Over the years Hollywood has brought many laughs, tears, sighs, and sobs into our homes. It makes perfect sense that teens are so fascinated with the comings and goings of people in this very unique city. Bringing the glitz and glam of a Hollywood birthday party into your home for a night, or even a weekend is a great way to make your teen a very happy teen but more importantly it is a while it's fun on occasion to have all the attention that the lights of Hollywood can bring it's even better to have friends and family who love you.

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0 The Perfect Birthday Party for your Little Princess

A princess birthday party is what almost every little girl dreams of at some point in her childhood. Make your little princess' dream a reality by planning the perfect princess party for her. There are so many things you can do with the princess theme that will be both fun and incredibly memorable. Regardless of what you decide to do be sure that there are plenty of cameras on hands for lots of fantastic pictures.

There are all kinds of great party games that can be played at a princess party and the best place to look for inspiration is your favorite childhood fairy tales. Instead of pin the tail on the donkey how about a rousing game of kiss the frog? Instead of running around with a tail to pin in a donkey your little princess and all of her princess friends can run around trying to pin a pair of puckered lips on the frog. It's a fun variation on a traditional birthday party favorite.

For crafts you can have each party princess make her very own tiara to wear for the day's festivities. It's a lot of fun, it gets all the little girls together, quietly one hopes, in one spot and concentrating on a specific task. They will also have this great keepsake to bring home with them. You'll want to be sure to get a photo of each princess wearing her tiara as another souvenir. You can also opt to craft a photo frame in the princess theme for each princess to make to hold her tiara photo and take home with her. Crafts are often quite inexpensive and are a lot of fun for the little princesses and their moms to work on together.

Keep the food down to finger food that is low mess and princess approved. Cake and ice cream are almost required but if the party is going to last for any length of time you might want to include ham and cheese rollups, finger sandwiches, a fruit and veggie tray, and a few cookies for a light lunch and a little nourishment for the parents that brave the onslaught of pink to come along. Don't forget to have princess punch with your favorite red powdered drink, ginger ale (or lemon lime soda), and vanilla ice cream.

Of course no princess party is really complete with a bard telling tales. Have readings of favorite princess fairy tales and perhaps a viewing of a beloved fairy tale movie (such as Disney's Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, or Snow White). This provides a little more quiet time in which the princesses can settle down and the craft table can be cleaned up to prepare for the cake, ice cream, and presents later on.

Don't forget to get great goodie bags for all the little princess guests. One of the best ideas I've found is a princess purse filled with little brushes, lip-gloss, and plastic jewelry make a great haul for the guests and are a lot of fun to put together.

Decorations should be rather simple, pink and lavender or green streamers are great for the theme and confetti followed with plates, cups, and napkins in a color that is appropriate for the party theme (if there is a specific princess being honored) are a great beginning and younger children really do not need much more decoration than that unless of course you have a princess that has a soft spot for balloons. In that case enough cannot be said about the importance of balloons.

All in all, creating a spectacular princess party for your little princess isn't as difficult as one might think and can be done quite nicely even on a budget. The important thing is to have plenty of food and plenty of fun items and activities to keep your little princess and all of her princess friends busy from the beginning to the end of the party.

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0 Star Wars Birthday Party

Even though there hasn't been a recent film release, Star Wars remains a popular favorite among fans new and old. Kids of all ages from 2 to 52 find the world that was created by Star Wars creator George Lucas to be an infinitely fascinating world in which to allow their imagination and fantasies to take flight in that galaxy far, far away. If your special birthday girl or boy is a fan of these films this is the can't miss party theme to add to your perfect birthday party list.

There are many ways you can go that will bring the theme to light in a way that allows everyone to have fun. First of all, you could have a classic Star Wars event with the original Episodes (IV, V, and VI) showing one after the other throughout the party. This is perfect for an overnight or all day sort of party as it allows breaks in between the showings and plenty of time to incorporate some serious snack making or pizza ordering without interfering with the DVDs being played in the back ground.

If you want to take things a step further you can also have your guests come dressed as their favorite Star Wars characters from all six films. If you are truly adventurous you can do a back-to-back showing of all six films though this makes for a very long weekend sort of event. Perfect if your birthday falls on around a 3-day weekend such as Labor Day or Memorial Day. Otherwise it's a great idea but you may want to break it up into two years' worth of celebrations.

If you are friends or your child's friends are a creative bunch you can have a session where guests speculate and create tall tales about what happens between Episodes III and IV as well as what happens to favorite characters after Episode VI. This is a lot of fun and creates a sort of role-playing atmosphere for the party that can be a huge amount of fun.

If this isn't enough activity and you want a little something to wear the kids (big or small) out you might want to invite your guests to a Jedi training academy of sorts. Set up an obstacle course for everyone to follow and a series of exercises similar to what Luke went through in The Empire Strikes Back. The winner can get some Star Wars themed award for giggles and a little added entertainment.

Most bakeries are likely to have a great form cake on hand or in inventory for Star Wars because the theme remains so popular. If not however. There are great cake ideas online that work beautifully for a Star Wars theme with home made birthday cakes. It's really great if you can try one of these because it will be something a little different from what everyone else who does a Star Wars themed party will have. Of course you could always go with a background of stars and the original Star Wars logo painted in yellow. Simple and yet completely appropriate.

If a Star Wars themed birthday party is anywhere on your wish list for your birthday or your child or significant other's birthday by all means make your best effort to make this a fun and memorable event. May the Force be with you.

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0 A Birthday Party at the Scene of the Crime

Television shows such as CSI (and the subsequent CSI Miami and CSI New York), NCIS, and Cold Case Files have made crime scenes and crime investigations the new murder mystery parties. They are a great deal of fun when properly planned and well executed but leave a lot of room for failure if poorly planned or inflexible. If you are considering a party such as this, a great party for teens and adults alike be sure that you either have an actual mystery to solve as the evening progresses or that you simply use the theme as a backdrop. There is no real right or wrong way to do a birthday party but if you want to throw the party that everyone will be talking about you'll need to create a crime for the scene you're investigating and leave clues all around to help with the investigation.

Decorating your crime scene party can be a lot of fun with crime scene tape and chalk outlines on the floor. Be sure to make them realistic in size by having someone actually lay down for you to draw the outline. You can leave fake footprints, fingerprints, and clue cards throughout the room (not too well hidden unless you want people snooping). You can even enlist plenty of help when leaving the clues and decorating because of the novelty of this sort of party. You do not have to limit the festivities to one room and you can, if you are feeling truly adventurous, have a different case going on in different rooms and have the kids draw numbers for teams and race to solve the crime first.

You might also do well to set up a lab, complete with microscope and tables dedicated to sorting out the evidence and make notes for the shocking conclusion of the crimes in question. Of course you will want to make the crimes simple and solvable by leaving clues that the kids will have no trouble finding or deciphering without making it too easy. Use your favorite episode for inspiration if you must and throw in a red herring or two to keep things fun. Young and old alike, the kids will have a good time arguing over the clues and trying to determine who really committed the crimes (and of course making up their assumptions and stories as to why the crimes occurred in the first place).

For food you can have an actual CSI cake or go with cookies that are shaped like footprints or thumb print cookies for an excellent play on words. Of course by the time kids are old enough to enjoy a party such as this they probably would be happy with good food rather than themed food and pizza, sloppy Joes, finger foods, chips and dips, and cookies and cake will make an excellent food addition to the party without needing to fit in with any one theme. Be sure to have plenty of pop and bottled water on hand though because crime solving is thirsty work.

In real life it is best to leave the jobs of solving crimes up to the men and women who were trained to do so. In the world of birthday parties however, crime solving and crime scene investigating reign supreme as the next great thing in birthday party ideas.

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0 An Egyptian Themed Birthday Party

Ancient Egypt is a fascinating place all these years later. From mummies and pyramids to pharos and scarabs there is plenty of fuel for the fascination pyre. Keep in mind however, that the goal here is for the kids to have a great time, not to be frightened so keep the scary stuff to a minimum if possible (even if your child is brave to a fault that doesn't mean that some of the guests won't be frightened and you want the experience to be pleasant for everyone).

Decorations for this are not as difficult as you may think. In fact, some of these decorations will double quite nicely for Halloween or may already be in your Halloween stash. First of all, if you have a canopy or tent lying around this will make an excellent substitution for a pyramid. You can fill your canopy or tent with relics that are authentic looking for what would be inside an Egyptian pyramid. Use skulls (leftover from Halloween decorations) on the floor, gold coins (or doubloons, which can be purchased rather inexpensively at many party supply stores), sequins that look like jewels, and fake jewelry that might have been worn during the period. Of course the piece de resistance will be the mummy wrapped in the corner (if this isn't part of your Halloween stash it should be after this).

Now, what self respecting mummies home doesn't have a great curse to go along with it? Before allowing the guests into the "pyramid" you need to make sure they are aware of the curse that goes along with it. It's a fun little addition to the theme and a lot of fun to watch their eyes as you tell the tale of the mummy inside and why the tomb is cursed.

If you are still looking for excellent activities you can bury treasure in your sandbox (if you have one) and let them all take turns digging up treasures and/or artifacts that they can take home with them. Make sure everyone has at least one turn and gets one thing to take home from the digging.

You can either barbecue dinner or order pizza or something simple for dinner. I recommend letting the guests eat inside the pyramid for fun (if it isn't too terribly hot) and allow for a showing of The Mummy afterwards (provided the audience is old enough and interested). You could also allow them to play in the tomb for a while or make it an overnight event and allow them to camp in the tomb if it's a tent.

Great goody bag gifts include flashlights, glow sticks, spiders, chocolate coins, stickers, and other candy jewelry. One great game for an Egyptian themed birthday party would be wrap the mummy. Divide the kids into groups of three and have them take turns racing to wrap the mummy (a member of the team) in toilet paper. Do this so that everyone has the opportunity to be wrapped - just be sure to use the cheap brands of toilet paper for this particular project and plan on having plenty in case they get a little overzealous.

Most importantly you want to plan an event that is fun to participate in and that will have all your guests eager to come back for the big birthday bash next year. Just remember you'll be expected to top the current theme and might gain a reputation for throwing the cool parties.

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0 The Margaritaville Birthday Theme Party

For pirates of all ages, shapes, and sizes there is little better than a Jimmy Buffett themed birthday party for fun and play. Much more than good music Jimmy Buffett has created a lifestyle all his own through his music and with the enthusiastic support of his fans. His music isn't limited to one genre and doesn't appeal to one specific culture, instead the appeal is nearly limitless, which makes this a great theme for a birthday party that is open to an audience of all ages though a firm favorite for celebrating the big 4-0 as the result of "A Pirate Looks at 40."

To pull off an excellent Margaritaville party blenders and ice are a must. The next thing you need to worry about is food. Some great food ideas for a Margaritaville themed party would be boiled shrimp, build your own cheeseburgers' (in paradise of course), complimentary finger foods and fixings, and a little bit of sponge cake and/or fruitcake probably wouldn't hurt things at all. They would definitely work wonders to the Jimmy Buffett approved theme of the party. If you are in serious need of inspiration for menu ideas check out the menu at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville Café.

If you are in the right climate and the weather is cooperative a patio or backyard party is definitely the way to go. Decorate with tikki lights, shark fins, flowers, coconuts, and any other tropical themes that capture your attention and imagination. Be sure to put grass skirts on the tables you set up with the fabulous foods, and place a nice tikki bar for serving the required margaritas. You can also choose to serve non-alcoholic margaritas to the little ones if there will be children in attendance and have them available for adults that are driving or do not wish to partake. Have fun with the food and keep it appropriate for a tropical or Jimmy Buffett theme.

Music is a must for this particular birthday party theme. You simply can't recreate Margaritaville without the sounds of the town blaring out across your speakers. You do not need to limit the music of the evening to Jimmy Buffett though he should play a prominent role in the entertainment for the evening. Other great sounds that will compliment the theme of the evening include the Beach Boys, Bob Marley, and Bobby McFerrin. Of course use your imagination and go with your taste. My personal preference would be a showcase of all things Jimmy Buffett for the evening but that doesn't work for everyone.

Be sure to take measures to insure that everyone makes it home safely if you are serving alcohol and work to make sure that everyone has a fun and memorable evening in Margaritaville. You might want to include contests such as the loudest "Hawaiian shirt" for extra fun or the most memorable flip-flops. Remember the goal is to have fun and make sure that everyone attending has fun also. If you have the equipment Jimmy Buffet karaoke is a must and video recordings for future black mail and a recording of the revelry are also highly recommended. All in all, Margaritaville is a place that many of us dream of going to escape the every day. Wouldn't it be a great theme for a birthday party that makes that day a little more special than the rest for everyone invited and not just the one celebrating?

The next time you are lost for a great theme to add to your birthday party theme inventory, consider the benefit to one and all of adding an evening under the stars and on the sand to your plans. Margaritaville is the perfect setting for a truly festive celebration no matter how old the pirate in your life may be. Just remember to keep the saltshaker in sight at all times and the party should go off without a hitch.

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0 A Circus Birthday Bash Worthy of the Big Top

If you want a very happy child, considering throwing a birthday party worthy of the big top. A circus theme for a birthday party is sure to thrill and excite your little one and guests alike. Be sure to make the event one worthy of its title though and keep the action lively and moving throughout the event so that little minds with short attention spans do not have an opportunity to move on to more mischievous pursuits.

The first thing that is an absolute must for a circus theme is a big top. This may run a little high on the decoration dime but can be done quite nicely without booking a huge back yard with a tent. In fact, you can create a tent in your very own living room if you are so inclined to do so. Helium can be rented quite inexpensively and you can create the illusion of a tent top by filling the ceiling with brightly colored balloons and streamers to match. In addition to this you can have the entrance of the room made to look like tent flaps. Push all the furniture along the wall and allow the little ones to seat themselves on the floor along the "center ring" where all the action will be.

Now, you really should make an effort to have some sort of entertainment for the kiddos with an event of this nature. It can be a clown act, magic show, or simply someone making balloon animals for the birthday boy or girl and his or her guests. Face painting is another great activity to include on your list of events and shows and a lot of fun for the little ones. Be sure to include several great games (ring toss, pin the nose on the clown, and corn hole are great games worthy of a circus theme) and a craft activity or two in the running so that the little ones do not sit idly very long. It is always a good idea to keep them occupied and having fun.

The big top provides some excellent dining delights that carry over quite well into the birthday party theme. Hot dogs are an excellent lunch for a room filled with excited little ones. Candied apples, popcorn, and peanuts are also a great and fun addition to birthday party food that work well with the circus theme. Be sure to enlist serious muscle for the clean up when all is said and done.

Goody bags can be a lot of fun for this particular event by using popcorn bags for the bag and filling them with circus animals, bubbles, glow bracelets, circus themed stickers, and other nifty little items. Oriental trading and local party stores might prove to be an excellent resource for goody bag gifts. Don't forget to include a photo frame with a photo of each child with his or her face painted or balloon animal as a keepsake.

The main thing to remember when planning a party worthy of the big top moniker is that the most important thing is that everyone has a good time. Don't sweat the small details so much that you aren't able to enjoy the event. Other great ideas to make this an even bigger event include things such as renting a moon walk for kids to jump and play in, renting a cotton candy maker, and having a real popcorn popper rather than relying on microwave popcorn. There's something about the smell that just makes it feel like a circus.

Another thing you need to do when planning a big top or circus themed birthday party is plan for contingencies, such as rain if the party was to be held outside. The show must go on whether it is storming or whether the sun is shining brightly so be sure to have a back up plans in case things go awry.

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